The Wordpress Template Hierarchy is one of the Wordpress things about Wordpress, and allows for dynamically displaying content based on the permalink used — among many other offerings.
I remember the daunting feeling of staring at it years ago — fighting to understand what I was looking at.
My grasp on how it works is much better now, but for rapid development of Wordpress themes, I still find the need to quickly know which template has been used for the page I’ve currently viewing.
So today I’m sharing a quick snippet I whipped up a year or so ago that created a clean little toast that appears for a few seconds in the bottom right corner of the screen that displays the currently loaded template.
The Snippet
In your functions.php:
function wp_display_template_toast_89451115() { if (is_super_admin()) { global $template; $markup = ' <div id="wp-template-toast"> %s </div> <script> setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById("wp-template-toast").remove() }, 3000) </script> <style> #wp-template-toast { font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; position: fixed; right: 10px; bottom: 10px; padding: 10px 14px; background: rgba(255,0,0,.5); color: white; display: flex; justify-content: center; font-size: 12px; border-radius: 5px; } </style>'; echo sprintf($markup, basename($template)); } } add_action('wp_footer', 'wp_display_template_toast_89451115');
- Add this to the bottom of your functions.php file (or wherever you see fit).
- Adjust styling of the toast within the <style> tag in the snippet to suit your liking.
- Adjust how long you want the toast to display by changing the amount of milliseconds used in the setTimeout function within the <script tag in the snippet (default is 3000).
- Log in as an administrator on the site.
- Refresh any page and you should see the toast.
How It Works
This snippet leverages the wp_footer Wordpress hook and echoes markup (including style and a tiny script) just before the footer is rendered on the page.
Hope this helps you bang out quality Wordpress themes faster!
Code on web assassins!