Arms crossed picture of James Auble

Hello, World Using Gridsome + Netlify Functions (Serverless)

PublishedFeb 24th, 2022

Back at it again with a little nugget I figured I’d share with the world (Hello, World. Pun intended). Right, so today I was acquainting myself with Netlify Functions — and since I’m here doing this already — and not seeing any others like it on Google Page 1…

I will step up.

For the uninitiated, serverless functions are functions that some third-party server holds onto and executes for you whenever you hit said function’s endpoint.

Still don’t understand? Took me a lil’ bit too. Try reading Netlify’s Functions Docs.

But let’s get to it.

Create your Gridsome Project 

Fire up your terminal and navigate to your projects directory (or a temp directory if you’re gonna trash this after).

If you don’t have Gridsome-CLI installed yet — do that now:


yarn global add @gridsome/cli


npm install — global @gridsome/cli

Now from your terminal from within your projects directory run:

gridsome create grid-net-func-hello

Of course name your project whatever you’d like.

cd grid-net-func-hello
project structure of our demo

Your Gridsome project directory should look like the above screenshot.

Let’s spin up the built-in development server.

gridsome develop

If you pull up localhost:8080 in your browser now you should see this:

project boilerplate starting page

Commit your project to Git 

Create a repository for this project in either GithubGitlab, or BitBucket. This is what Netlify says it supports.

Initialize your project with Git locally and commit your work to your remote repo. If you need help with that, this article looks pretty decent.

The root directory of your remote repo should now look like this:

our projects git repo screenshot

Hook up Netlify with our Git repo 

Head on over to Netlify and create an account if you havn’t one already.

create netlify project from existing repo button

Click on your Git platform — find your repo for this project and select it.

netlify build commands field

Netlify will generate a site name for you along with a host URL once it’s done building your site.

After a minute or so you should see something like the following:

netlify project card element

Go ahead and click on the link to your new site and you should see the Hello, World Gridsome page.

Create our serverless function 

To ensure that our development environment behaves like our live site we’re going to use Netlify’s handy CLI tool.

We’ll be using this tool to proxy our live site and the serverless functions that are live — so that when we make a call to an endpoint of /.netlify/functions/hello it looks at localhost:8888/.netlify/functions/hello which in turn looks at our live site. Did that make sense? No? Yes? If not, try reading the docs.

Enough babble. Let’s get on with it.

Okay — so install the Netlify CLI globally with

npm i -g netlify-cli

Next, create a netlify.toml file in your project root that will be used by Netlify-CLI and specify the build directory and the directory where you will store your serverless functions.

You ready to create our serverless function? Buckle in and run

netlify functions:create

You’ll be given a list of function templates you can use — we’ll be using the [hello-world] function.

netlify serverless functions starters in Netlify CLI

Hit enter again to accept the default name.

You should now have a directory /fucntions/hello-world/ with index.js in it containing our serverless function.

Commit and push our changes to our remote repo.

What’s this? You just got an email from Netlify?? They’re really on top of things aren’t they.

Yep. They detected that you committed a serverless function in your /functions/ directory as defined in the netlify.toml that was read by Netlify on this most recent build.

We’re really cruising now aren’t we?

Now go back to your browser and open up your Netlify Dashboard. Make sure you’re looking at the site we just created a few minutes ago and click on functions.

Whoa — check that out — a function!

arrow pointing to our recent builds

Click on it and you’ll see the endpoint and the function log. Copy that endpoint and paste it in a browser. You should see some JSON printed out on the screen with a "message" key with a "Hello World" value.

Call our function from our Gridsome static front-end 

Head back to our terminal and this time fire up the Netlify dev server with

netlify dev

It’ll take slightly longer than gridsome develop to spin up because it’s talking to Netlify in the cloud for a second and proxying.

Now — instead of pulling up localhost:8080 in the browser, we’re gonna pull up our proxied site which lives at localhost:8888.

Back to our editor — open up /src/pages/Index.vue. Where you see

export default {
  metaInfo: {
    title: 'Hello, world!'

Replace it with

export default {
  metaInfo: {
    title: 'Hello, world!'
  mounted() {
     res => res.json()
     res => console.log(res.message)

Refresh localhost:8888 and pull up the devtools console. You should see Hello World printed out.

Let’s play around a little to wrap up 

How about instead of just printing Hello World to the console, we take a query param — run it through our serverless function and update our front end? Just for fun.

Okay — replace the H1 in your Index.vue template with

<h1>{{ greeting || "Hello World" }}</h1>

and in the Javascript part of the file replace with this

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      greeting: null,
      name: null
  metaInfo: {
    title: 'Hello, world!'
  mounted() {
    if (this.$ { = this.$
    fetch('/.netlify/functions/hello-world?name=' +
      res => res.json()
      res => {
        this.greeting = res.message

Now if we head back to localhost:8888 in our browser and enter


We should see it output on our front end like this

our frontend displaying our name using netlify functions

Note: If you don’t have the Vue Devtools installed yet — you should probably get on it! Download here.

Hope all worked out well, if not leave me a comment and I’ll be sure to respond.

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