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screenshot of display power saving settings control

Disable Adaptive Brightness for Samsung Galaxy Book Flex2

PublishedFeb 27th, 2022


  1. Windows Key to search.
  2. Search for Intel” and look for Intel Graphics Command Center (if not found, open Microsoft Store and download the app). Run the app.
  3. In the sidebar on the left you should see the system icon (2 by 2 grid icon that looks similar to Windows Key Icon). Click the system icon.
  4. Click on the Power tab at the top of the right hand pane.
  5. In the section below the battery statistics, you’ll see an option to disable Display Power SavingsOnce this is toggled off you should immediately see that the screen no longer dims when the background color of the current window is dark.
intel power saving pane

These steps likely work for many other laptops. If you have a different machine and the steps are the same, add a comment below and I’ll edit the article to include those models.

Hope this helped!

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