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Michael Scott from the Office shrugging

3 Things You Might Not Know About Your Airpods Pro


So you’re a few weeks into owning your first set of Airpods Pro and you think you know it all?

Here are a few things you might not have discovered in that span of time.

1. Quickly Check Battery Level For Airpods & Case 

There are several ways to check battery levels on your Airpods Pro, but one of the quickest is to stick your Airpods in the Apple charging case, leave the lid open, and hold it right up against your iPhone.

Wait a few seconds and you should see the battery levels pop up from the bottom of your screen.

Not working? Check the documentation.

iphone screenshot

2. Control Playback From Buttons On Airpods 

I’m embarrassed — or maybe not depending on how common this is — that I overlooked that Airpods have “force sensors” (buttons) on the stem that work just like standard headphone controls.

For a list of click combinations see Apple’s documentation.

3. Your Case Wirelessly Charges 

Most will know this, but in case you missed it, the case has wireless charging ability.

If you have an upright wireless charger for your phone it obviously is going to be a pain to use with the Airpods’ case.

Most modern flat wireless chargers should be compatible though.

You can find lots of compatible wireless chargers here if you don’t yet have one.

Thanks for reading and rock on!!

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